Pay your Insurance Premiums with bKash
Now pay your Insurance Premium from the comfort of your home, with bKash!
From now on you don't have to go anywhere else to pay your insurance premium. You can pay your insurance premium from the comfort of your home, anytime.
Automate Your Insurance Payments
Pay Your Insurance Premiums from Home with bKash!
Pay your insurance premiums automatically using the bKash App! Set the date and amount of your premium payment before due date, and your premium will be paid automatically on due date, free of charge. bKash will remind you to keep balance on the day before due date. So, enable Auto Pay and pay your insurance premiums on time without hassle.

Pay your Insurance Premiums with bKash
Pay your insurance premiums with bKash from the comfort of your home, free of charge. Simply tap on "Pay Bill" icon on the bKash App, select "Insurance" and pay insurance premium. You will also receive a digital receipt after payment. In addition, you can pay your premium by scanning QR code of the insurance company or entering their bKash account number from "Payment" on the app.

Available on Multiple Platforms

bKash USSD platform helps you to make financial transactions from mobile devices without the need of an internet connection. Dial *247# to get started.

Payment Gateway
bKash secure payment gateway provides bKash payment services to merchants and organizations for the convenience of its customers.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are in Bangladesh, but the unable to log in please follow these steps
1. Ensure there is no VPN running in the background
2. Please try to log in using mobile data
3. Ensure Bangladeshi SIM is inserted into the phone
4. Try closing the app and clear it from the background and restart the app
5. If the problem still persists, please share your IP and address and ISP name to the bKash customer service channels.
(Note: you can find your IP, simply by searching "What is my IP address" in google.com, and your ISP name is the name of your Internet service provider which can be found in the internet bill receipt)
a. bKash Account
- A virtual storage of money that can be accessed through your mobile phone. After registration, your mobile number will be your bKash Account number.
b. Open an Account
- Opening a bKash Account on your mobile phone.
c. bKash Mobile Menu
- The menu you see after dialing *247#.
d. Cash In
- Depositing money into your bKash Account.
e. Cash Out
- Withdrawing money from your bKash Account. You can Cash Out from any bKash Agent Point or from BRAC Bank or any Q-Cash ATM.
f. Send Money
- Transferring money from one bKash Account to another bKash Account.
g. Mobile Recharge
- Mobile Recharge service allows you to recharge your Mobile Phone Balance from your bKash Account.
h. Payment
- When you pay from your bKash Account to a seller against a product or service you purchase.
i. Remittance
- Receiving funds from abroad in your bKash Account in Bangladesh.
j. bKash Mobile Menu PIN
- This is a secret number, like a password, that secures your bKash Account.
k. Security Code
- Security Code is a one time PIN. When you Cash Out from the ATM, you need to generate a Security Code which can be used only once and remains valid for 5 minutes.
l. Transaction ID
- A system-generated unique reference number against each transaction that is preserved as identification.
m. Reference
- Mentioning the purpose of the transaction for your own records.
- Yes, you need to open a bKash Account to use bKash services
- Bangladeshi National
- Age 18 years or above
- Having a valid Photo national ID/Passport/Driving License
- Currently Robi, Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk and Airtel subscribers
No, opening an Account is completely FREE.